People with Long COVID Advocating for Themselves – Kari


Kari had to advocate hard to get the specialist test she needed.


When I was seeing the pulmonologist, I kept saying, “No, there’s something wrong.” And she kept saying, “No your test is fine.” …  Like she kept saying, “No your lung is fine, your lungs are fine, there’s nothing wrong.” And I kept saying, “No, it’s not the capacity of my lungs, it’s like they’re super sensitive. It’s, I get up, if I get a bit of a cold, I’m super sick. If I’m around, you know, smoke or any kind of something, then I would get chest pain,” and I could, and I said, “There’s still something.” And it wasn’t until I pushed and pushed and pushed that she ordered the methacholine challenge test, which indicated asthma … And so, what I’ve found is, by talking with other people too is, we’ve had to push, we have to continually say and stand up for ourselves and you know, people that have been going through it for a little bit longer than me, if, that you were made to feel like it was all in your head. It wasn’t a real thing, you know. Just get some sleep and you’ll be fine or go exercise and you’ll feel better.

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